Pardon me, but may I have this dance?
Sunday, December 10th, in the newspaper, I found an article in the S.A.Life section entitled, "Passion in Action." It is subtitled, "Argentine tango stirs the soul." Yes, you guessed it, it's about dancing - specifically, it's about the Argentine Tango.
There are a myriad of dance styles. There's the more refined and elegant styles like the Waltz and the Foxtrot. There is also the fast paced style called Swing - the Lindyhop, Charleston, and Boogie Woogie are a few nuances of Swing. There's Country and Western dancing - the two step, county western waltz, and line dancing are a few sub styles within this genre. And there's even what is called "Street Dance." Yep, the bump and grind would be a style within this genre, but also breakdancing, uprock, and popping/locking as well.
However, if you've ever danced before, then you are aware that dances like the Rumba, Salsa, Bolero, and (drum roll please) the Tango are all in a class of their own. These are under the heading of Latin Dances. They are intricate, great exercise, and very, very CLOSE dances.
My wife and I took dance lessons at Arthur Murray's one time. I can't tell you how much fun that it was. Well, I could, but unless you experience it, you won't really understand. Not only was it really good exercise, but it was the complete antithesis of a dinner and a movie type outing. We actually talked!!! We touched!!! We laughed!!! Amazing, isn't it? And when we got to the Latin Dances, well...let's just say that it set a very great mood for the rest of the evening. Think about it - you are hip to hip, cheek to cheek, moving in rhythm, and sweating. So, I only suggest this for the married, or those who have accountability after the class is over. :)
Anyway, if you want to read what I read then go to this article at MySa.Com. You will find the locations and times of classes all over San Antonio. I really recommend taking a class or two if you haven't ever done so. Even if you have taken a class before, take one again. It can't hurt.
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